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Community Connections » PACHIS An Art Studio For Kids

PACHIS An Art Studio For Kids

Spring Break Kids Art Camp in Liberty Station

School is Out, Art is IN! Join Pachis, an art studio for kids for Spring Break Art Camp.

From paint to mixed media, children will be introduced to new ways to make and experience art. For children 5 - 12 years old. For more details and to register please visit:


Parents Night Out - Pajama Art Party!

The 4th Saturday of the month  is Parents Night Out at Pachis, an art studio for kids. You deserve a night off! Why not drop your kids off at Pachis in Liberty Station for art, crafts and activities, while you enjoy some time of your own. For more details and to register please visit:


After School Art Classes in Liberty Statio

Pachis After School Art Classes are held once a week after school for children 5 - 12 years old. Your children will explore their creativity through Pachis original curriculum. Pachis unique curriculum focuses on four different aspects of artistic discovery encouraging children to think outside the "art box" and introduces them to new ways to make and experience art.  For more details and to register please visit:


3D Art Classes in Liberty Station

Pachis 3D Art Classes are held every Wednesday from 4:30pm to 5:30pm for children 8 - 12 years old.  Art is fun in every form but this unique class will allow children to develop their creative minds to a higher dimension. For more details and to register please visit:



Kate Goodwin
Studio Manager,  Pachis, An Art Studio For Kids