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Learning Environments supports the following:


Safe and Supportive Learning Environment:  Caring values and behavioral expectations (students, parents, and staff), traffic safety, and healthy campus lifestyle (physical fitness, lunch programs, backpacks, and Prime Time - consistency with caring values)


Engaging and Inspiring Learning Environment:  Instructional leadership, culture of accountability, collaboration and creativity, Science SIG, VAPA SIG, academic awards, and citizenship


Point Loma Cluster Schools Foundation

Safe and Supportive Learning Environment


GOAL 1:   Create a safe, caring, and inspiring learning environment for every student


All students will have an opportunity to realize their full academic, social, and physical potentials in an inspiring, supportive and secure environment.


Task 1.1:               Establish a Behavioral Expectations Specific Interest Group


Task 1.2:               Define and promote the principles of good character


Task 1.3:               Establish Behavioral and Academic Norms


Task 1.4:               Create a cluster-wide Code of Conduct


Task 1.5:               Have students play an active role in shaping the culture of kindness and respect in the classroom and the school at large


Task 1.6:               Create a welcoming and inclusive environment


Task 1.7:               Involve parents in the education of their children


Task 1.8:               Establish a Traffic Safety Specific Interest Group and create programs that increase the safety of all students arriving and departing school


Task 1.9:               Establish a Healthy Campus Lifestyle Specific Interest Group


Task 1.10:             Establish a Physical Fitness Specific Interest Group


Task 1.11:             Establish a Healthy Foods Specific Interest Group


Point Loma Cluster Schools Foundation

Engaging and Inspiring Learning Environment


GOAL 2:     Develop an Engaging and Inspiring Learning Environment


Instructional leadership, culture of accountability, collaboration, open mindedness and creativity as the way of thinking, incorporating VAPA, technology, and FUN into the core STEAM curriculum


Task 2.1:       Define the Learning Environment


Task 2.2:       Create high-achieving expectations


Task 2.3:       Prepare students to be productive in the San Diego regional economy


Task 2.4:       Promote the enhancement and enrichment of the curriculum in ways that inspires students


a.       Create project-based learning and internship opportunities


b.       Develop a Visual and Performing Arts Specific Interest Group and integrate VAPA into the K – 12 curriculum


c.        Establish a Science Specific Interest Group and enhance the science curriculum


d.       Develop an engaging digital media program


Task 2.5:       Integrate the use of information communication technology in the learning process


Task 2.6:       Utilize resources of the San Diego Public Libraries to extend the reach of our school libraries


Task 2.7:       Encourage each PLCSF school to apply to be a California Distinguished School


GOAL 3:     Achieve academic excellence through differentiated curriculum.


Maximize each student’s growth and success by meeting each student where he or she is, and recognize students varying background knowledge, readiness, language, preferences in learning, interests


Task 3.1:    Differentiate instruction based upon students’ capabilities.  Students have multiple options for taking in information and making sense of ideas. 


Task 3.2:       Ensure that no child is left behind or held back from achieving his or her full potential.


Task 3.3:     Provide linguistic support:  In an age when learning English is a priority for children around the world, it is critical for our students to become proficient in English at the youngest possible ages, so they can focus their learning on curriculum versus catch-up


GOAL 4:     Prepare students to be well-rounded competent global citizens


Define what "knowledge, skills and values are necessary for students to become “confident, self-sufficient adults and global citizens” - including students taking responsibility for learning


Task 4.1:       Define and promote the principles of how to be a good citizen


Task 4.2:       Prepare students to be knowledgeable about basic finances and health issues


Task 4.3:      Ensure knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of the history, principles, and form of government, of the United States